We are happy to help you save on shipping fees by combining several of your orders to ship as one. Here are the Terms & Conditions and how it will work:
- Combined orders only applies to orders shipped to the same address within West Malaysia.
- A maximum of 3 orders can be combined, totalling a maximum of 8 books or 3kg.
- The full shipping fee of the first order applies, while the subsequent orders to be combined will be at reduced shipping fee per order.
- Leave us a note in your first and/or second order to inform us that you would like to hold off shipping for combined orders. Or simply drop us an email by replying to the order confirmation email. We will then send you a coupon worth RM5.50 to offset your shipping fees for the next order. Once the initial order has shipped, we will not be able to offer the lower shipping rate for subsequent orders.
- Requests for holding off shipping for combined orders will only be for a period of 1 month. After 1 month from the first order, the accumulated orders will be shipped.
- You will receive an email once we issue a coupon to your account, and you can also view it on the website under My Account > Coupons (see screen shot below). It will also automatically be shown to you when you view your basket with products and on the checkout page.
- We maintain the right to decline any combined orders that do not meet the stated terms and conditions here.